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Jura poludniowa / Southern Jura

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Climbing guide - Jura poludniowa / Southern Jura - 2020


- 4 Auflage

Jura poludniowa / Southern Jura Beschreibung

The guidebook "Jura poludniowa / Southern Jura" by Grzegorz Rettinger is a truly unique item, because it is the only complete edition in Poland which covers all climbing areas in the Cracow and Podkrakow areas. In total over 4,000 routes and projects in the Podkrakowskie Valleys. This is already the fourth, expanded and updated edition of this excellent guidebook.

The uniqueness of the guidebook is mainly proven by the volume and the amount of information on such a big climbing area, including historical data (author, year of first leading) and updated database of routes and the state of exploration. Most importantly, the scope of five "small" Cracow guides (the Kobylańska Valley, the Bêdkowska Valley, the Jerzmanowickie Ostańce, the Bolechowicka and Kluczwody Valleys and the Cracow regions) was included in one volume. Additionally, the areas of Garb Tenczyński and Brama Krakowska were compiled as a whole for the first time. These include the popular Brzoskwinka, Wrzosy and Sanka Valleys.

The guidebook was designed to make orientation in the area and selection of climbing targets easier. There are colourful maps showing the location of the rocks. The route lines have been assigned colors corresponding to the difficulty range. Now, one look at the topo is enough to know whether it is the right destination for us. Apart from that, probably as the first in Poland, we have applied photo codes in the climbing guidebook, thanks to which every owner of a modern mobile phone can instantly load the car park coordinates into the navigation system or see the rock's position on the map.

Included climbing areas

Dolina Prądnika
Dolina Garliczki
Dolina Wedonki
Dolina Racławki
Dolina Szklarki
Dolina Będkowska
Dolina Kobylańska
Dolina Bolechowicka
Skały Karniowskie
Dolina Kluczwody
Sanki (Zimny Dół, Półrzeczki)
Dolina Brzoskwinki
Nielepice i Kleszczów
Wrzosy i okolice Brodła
Brama Krakowska (Zakrzówek, Liban, Krzemionki, Tyniec, Piekary)


Jura poludniowa / Southern Jura
Jura poludniowa / Southern Jura
Jura poludniowa / Southern Jura

Here you get the climbing-guide

  available at   freytag & berndt


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